Your philanthropic investment


The Storytellers who bring passion and artistry to a hopeful world


our work to lift up stories that bring light, inclusivity, and inspiration to our community


Partnerships with creative leaders and organizations

We believe that great writing has the power to change the world, and it is the mission of The New Harmony Project to create, nurture, and promote stories that interrogate the complexity of hope.

The New Harmony Project serves our community with the ongoing support from individual donors at all levels.

The New Harmony Project is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, any donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Bridge Number 6091427442 • FEIN 35-1728624


The Labyrinth Society

Did you know that you can leave a gift to The New Harmony Project in your will? It’s incredibly simple, and a gift of any size creates amazing opportunities for our writers and artists. All you need to do is share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner:

“I bequeath $_____ OR _____% of my estate to The New Harmony Project, PO Box 441062, Indianapolis, IN 46244”