We are grateful for your support.

Support writers who create hopeful stories to mend a divided world.

Join us on the journey to a more hopeful, hope-filled world.

Your gift to The New Harmony Project nurtures stories that interrogate the complexity of hope and is an investment in a future that:

  • Nurtures STORYTELLERS who bring passion and artistry to a hopeful world

  • Elevates our work to lift up stories that bring light, inclusivity, and inspiration to our COMMUNITY

  • Fosters PARTNERSHIP with creative leaders and organizations

The New Harmony Project serves our community with the ongoing support from individual donors at all levels.

The New Harmony Project is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, any donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Bridge Number 6091427442 • FEIN 35-1728624

The Labyrinth Society

Did you know that you can leave a gift to The New Harmony Project in your will? It’s incredibly simple, and a gift of any size creates amazing opportunities for our writers and artists. All you need to do is share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner:

“I bequeath $_____ OR _____% of my estate to The New Harmony Project, PO Box 441062, Indianapolis, IN 46244”