Jon Michael Hill stars in new Netflix drama, A MAN IN FULL

Congratulations to 2022 NHP Alum Jon Michael Hill for his role as Conrad Hensley in the new Netflix drama, A Man in Full, based on the novel by Tom Wolfe and executive produced by Regina King!

Excerpt from The Chicago Crusader:

The main synopsis: When real estate mogul Charlie Croker faces bankruptcy, political and business interests collide, as he defends his empire from those attempting to capitalize on his fall from grace.

A parallel storyline is of Hill’s character Conrad Hensley. His car is disabled on the road, as he tries to get home to his very pregnant wife, and what ensues is a case of police brutality with him being arrested, charged and jailed for assaulting a white police officer.

“I’d say my most recent role….was my best acting role. Grounded, true to life, young husband and soon-to-be father, desperately trying to get back to his family. It was a dream.” - Jon Michael Hill

Read the entire article at the link below!